western oregon university coronavirus

western oregon university coronavirus

Just as the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has affected how we offer courses, how we spend our time and how we connect as a community, it also has affected one of Western Oregon University’s most cherished traditions: Commencement.Let’s Embrace the Now and meet the future together because Together We Succeed.Esperamos ponernos de pie cada año junto a todos nuestros graduados y ser parte de este improtante hito en su vida. El uso de cubrebocas es obligatorio, se llevan a cabo procedimientos de limpieza adicionales, se debe mantener distancia física, se debe llenar una autorrevisión sanitaria diaria antes de venir al campus (o antes de circular en el campus para los estudiantes que viven en las residencias estudiantiles), se observarán señales de flujo direccional y las prácticas de higiene personal deben ser vigorosas. Faculty members are already shifting their course experiences and content to be delivered remotely. Services provided by SSA have also shifted to meet students wherever they are, including remote appointments with Academic Success Advisors via Zoom or phone and tutoring sessions via Zoom/WebEx.

Ten la seguridad de que nos estamos reuniendo regularmente, buscando soluciones creativas para cualquiera que sea eventualmente nuestra realidad.Agradezco su paciencia y flexibilidad mientras navegamos este territorio desconocido del COVID-19. Innovative methods are being developed across campus, and we are excited that students will be able to continue to progress towards graduation. Se compartirá el manual de políticas por COVID de participación deportiva de WOU con los estudiantes-atletas y estará disponible a principio de septiembre en el sitio web deportivo de WOU Wolves.Muchos estudiantes se han puesto en contacto con nosotros para saber cómo serán los cursos de verano y otoño de 2020 en Western Oregon University. WOU has or will receive En el campus se están tomando medidas proactivas para apoyar los esfuerzos globales para limitar la propagación. I encourage you to share this information with your families.If you use a tissue for sneezing, blowing your nose or coughing, throw it away immediately.WOU cannot ban or restrict travel on personal time.

We also didn’t want students and their families to have to make plans that would likely need to be canceled. They are doing the testing/collecting specimens in a tent behind the SHCC building.final exams and class meetings next week. Summer courses will be assessed at the “online course” tuition rate, which is $228 per credit. Safety protocols, such as single-occupancy rooms, will be in place in all residence halls, and move-in will still happen on an appointment-based schedule starting Sept. 23. Department of Education and the Higher Education Coordinating Commission issued  through person-to-person contact (within about 6 feet) by respiratory droplets or contaminated hands as a result of coughing, sneezing or touching an object that has the virus on it then touching one’s mouth, nose or eyes.The steps you can take to protect yourself from the coronavirus are similar to avoiding the common flu (influenza) and other respiratory diseases. With this in mind, please remember that the risk of coronavirus is not connected with race, ethnicity or nationality.Although we will be delivering most of our courses online this fall, online learning will look different and improved from spring term: your healthcare provider/county public health agency/Student Health and Counseling Center and identify yourself as having flu-like All in-person visits, including tours, are suspended until further notice.https://espanol.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/diy-cloth-face-coverings.htmlMost campus buildings are locked and accessible by fob only.Solicitud de Ayuda para el Formulario de Instrucción RemotaHemos escuchado que muchos estudiantes y sus familias están tratando de reservar viajes para la ceremonia de graduación. Although current events prevent us from gathering in person, we remain extremely proud of all that our graduates have accomplished because together we succeed.Request for Assistance with Remote InstructionDespués de muchas conversaciones y reflexión profunda, con el fin de combatir la propagación del coronavirus (COVID-19), If feasible, telecommuting for all employees (including students) is permitted if approved by their supervisor and the appropriate vice president for their area. For questions about dining on campus, email En mis años en Western, he apreciado lo enfocada que está nuestra comunidad en apoyarse unos a otros y esto es cierto hoy aún más. The safety of our students, employees and community is our priority. As you know, physical distancing is the primary way Americans have been asked to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Students can also use online ordering for breakfast, lunch and dinner and pick up their food at Valsetz.pick up/drop off locations are limited to grocery stores, pharmacies, banks, restaurants (take-out), Arbor Park, or residence in Independence or Monmouth.Peter Courtney Health and Wellness Center is currently closed due to Centers for Disease Control’s coronavirus frequently asked questionsDisinfect and clean surfaces that are frequently touched in your home, office and other areas using household cleaning products according to the label instructions.Todas las clases serán remotas y las inscripciones ya iniciaron. Student Affairs offices, including the Veterans Resource Center and Abby’s House, will be open 9 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursdays for drop-in support, though most appointments will remain virtual.Recibimos estudiantes en el campus de manera limitada y estableciendo protocolos de seguridad. Las oficinas de Asuntos Estudiantiles, incluyendo el Centro de Recursos para Veteranos y Abby’s House estarán abiertos para apoyo sin cita de 9 am a 12 horas, y de 1 a 5 pm, de lunes a jueves, aunque la mayoría de las citas se mantendrán de manera virtual.This fall, courses will be mostly online — about 95% — with a few exceptions for lab sections of some science courses and some creative arts classes. University Housing has limited temporary spaces available for roommates who would like to separate and limit their contact with others. If you are having a medical emergency, call 911.Durante este tiempo el Comedor Valsetz estará abierto con horario limitado para desayuno, almuerzo y cena.

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