drift meaning

drift meaning

What is the definition of drift?

Choose from collocations, synonyms the distance between the end of a rope and the part in use.
This is the British English definition of drift.View American English definition of drift.

Drift definition, a driving movement or force; impulse; impetus; pressure. See more. the distance between two drift drift 2 J3 [名] 1 SNOW/SAND 雪・砂 《 C 》 (雪・砂などの) 吹きだまり • The road is blocked with massive drifts of snow. drift across / down / over etc.

drift(ドリフト)とは。意味や解説、類語。[名](スル)1 漂うこと。流されること。漂流。2 自動車のコーナリング技術の一。コーナーでハンドルを切るとともにアクセルを踏み、後輪を滑らせて回る方法。3 物質内の粒子がブラウン運動をしながら外力に作用されて移動する現象。 to allow your thoughts to move from one thought to another without trying to control itShe was very friendly to me – if you get my drift.The general drift of these remarks is clear. 公道のコーナーで、ドリフト(アクセルを吹かして滑らせて回るレース走法)を繰り返す暴走族の一種。 道は大きな雪の吹きだまりで遮られている. 2 MEANING 意味 《 C 》 〘 インフォーマル 〙 the drift of something <手紙・主張など>の趣旨 • The drift … .

Definition and synonyms of drift from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. somethingThe dollar drifted lower against the yen today.A few clouds drifted slowly across the sky.Many of these kids will drift through life without any goals.The road is blocked with massive drifts of snow.The drift of his letter is that he wants to come back.The census showed a north-to-south- population drift.the eastward drift of sand along the coastShe watched the feathers drift away in the breeze.Idly she let her eyes drift over his desk.She let her mind drift back to her childhood.

Nautical. Take our quick quizzes to practise your vocabulary. gooIDでログインするとブックマーク機能がご利用いただけます。保存しておきたい言葉を200件まで登録できます。 What are synonyms for drift? For example, a process that counts the number of heads in a series of n {\displaystyle n} fair coin tosses has a drift rate of 1/2 per toss. Change your default dictionary to American English. drift meaning, definition, what is drift: to move slowly on water or in the air: Learn more. 」 A related concept is the drift rate, which is the rate at which the average changes. the flow or the speed in knots of an ocean current. の意味 電子や正孔など、電荷をもつ担体が電界によって移動することで流れる電流。拡散電流とともに半導体の性質を決める要素となる。 響き渡るエンジン音、たちこめる白煙-。1000馬力を超える競技車両が、後輪を滑らせながら猛スピードで駆け抜けていく。いつスピンしてもおかしくないが、ドライバーは車体を巧みにコントロールし、コース上に弧を描いていく。 「寺田寅彦「工学博士末広恭二君 1) Drifting is NEVER the fastest way around a corner unless the optimal line is for whatever reason unatainable (i.e. Survivors of the shipwreck drifted for days before being rescued.measures to prevent young people drifting into crimeNewspaper circulation has fallen and advertisers have drifted away.The party has experienced a drift to the right.Music drifts out of clubs throughout the city. We have thousands of six-question quizzes to try. Jenny spent the year drifting around Europe.There has been a drift toward longer working hours.the drift from the countryside to the citiesa slow change that happens, used about organizations, beliefs policiesAlec let the boat drift silently down the river.For five years he drifted from one job to another.I finally threatened him with legal action.The conversation drifted from one topic to another.=I hope you understand what I am trying to say この子どもたちの多くが,目的も持たずに漫然と人生を過ごしていくことになるだろう.The scent of roses drifted through the windows.The others drifted off but Melanie stayed.All night Julie drifted in and out of consciousness.I was just drifting into sleep when the alarm went off.

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